Race and racism

Race is a challenging topic to discuss. Racism has been described as “smog” that each of us inhales on a daily basis.

Systemic racism refers to the ways in which racism is embedded in the fabric of society, including its institutions, policies, and practices. Unlike individual acts of racism, systemic racism is often more subtle and pervasive affecting entire groups of people.

More Articles & Resources

August, 2021

How to Teach About Racism, Without Guilt or Shame

Shame, as a powerful and immobilizing emotion, is often evoked in discussions of racial injustice, leading to accusations of shaming from conservatives towards anti-racist educators, yet anti-racist instruction aims to prevent shame by fostering understanding and activism, highlighting the importance of empathetic and informative approaches in addressing historical injustices.


Race in the workplace

Despite increased prioritization and significant financial investment in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) initiatives, progress in closing representation gaps for Black workers in the US private sector has been slow, prompting a reevaluation after the events of 2020, where companies committed billions to combat racism, yet systemic racism persists, indicating a need for system-level solutions to ensure equal opportunities for Black workers.

June, 202

The Difference Between First-Degree Racism and Third-Degree Racism

Only when people align on what racist behavior looks like will we be able to take practical steps to make those behaviors costly.

October, 2023

How Racism Shows Up at Work and the Antiracist Actions Your Organization Can Take

Catalyst surveyed over 5,000 employees from marginalized racial and ethnic groups in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Two-thirds of these employees reported experiencing racism during their career, and half have experienced racism in their current job.

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