
Feedback let’s people know how they’re doing – where they excel as well as where they need improvement.

Everyone needs feedback. Giving, receiving, and soliciting constructive feedback are essential skills that can foster a culture of continuous improvement. It’s a powerful tool for enhancing self-awareness and promoting professional development.

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June, 2023

How to Give (and Receive) Critical Feedback

New leaders often need to work on difficult discussions at the expense of themselves and their teams. At the root of this feeling is usually a lack of experience and practice — both of which can be gained with intention and time. This article focuses on two “spicy” conversations that all new managers face and how to navigate them now and in the future.

May, 2012

How to Get Feedback When You’re the Boss

The higher up in the organization you get, the less likely you’ll receive constructive feedback on your ideas, performance, or strategy. No one wants to offend the boss, right? But without input, your development will suffer, you may become isolated, and you’re likely to miss out on hearing some great ideas. So, what can you do to get people to tell you what you may not want to hear?

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