Generational diversity

By understanding both the commonalities and differences that exist across generations, organizations can better tailor their policies and practices to engage employees from different generations and create a more inclusive and productive work environment.

Generational diversity can bring a variety of perspectives and strengths to the workplace but can also lead to challenges in communication, collaboration, and understanding. By recognizing these differences, organizations can create a more inclusive and productive work environment. While some studies indicate real differences in how individuals from different generations view, value, and approach work, other research suggests that there is very little truth to generational stereotypes.

More Articles & Resources

April, 2023

Gen what? Debunking age-based myths about worker preferences

Our latest analysis of talent trends suggests that employees of all ages seem to want the same things from their work experience—with a few important caveats.

January, 2023

Bridging Generational Divides in Your Workplace

Businesses, facing a wave of early retirements and ageism-driven layoffs during the pandemic, lost valuable institutional knowledge and loyalty, exacerbating the challenges posed by a shrinking labor pool. To ensure long-term operational efficiency and competitiveness, employers must overhaul their DEI strategies to embrace an aging workforce, thereby tapping into a diverse range of skills and experiences to drive productivity and resilience.

March, 2020

The Myth of Generational Differences in the Workplace

Jennifer J. Deal challenges the notion of significant generational differences in the workplace, arguing that employees of all ages largely value similar things. Drawing from her extensive research spanning seven years and over 3,000 corporate leaders, presented in her book "Retiring the Generation Gap: How Employees Young & Old Can Find Common Ground," Deal asserts that conflicts arise more from issues of communication, misunderstanding, and power dynamics rather than age disparities.

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