Psychological safety
Psychological safety is the belief that one will not be ridiculed, humiliated, or ostracized for asking questions, making a mistake, or challenging the status quo.
Many people are surprised to learn that their team members and colleagues don’t feel safe to ask for help, push back, or take risks. Psychological safety is easy to describe but can be challenging to create and involves understanding how our words and behaviors impact others. Leaders play a crucial role in fostering psychological safety by encouraging open communication, showing empathy, and valuing diverse viewpoints. When people feel psychologically safe, they are more engaged, motivated, and productive.
More Articles & Resources
February, 2022
A culture of belonging starts with psychological safety
To foster belonging in the workplace amidst the rise of hybrid work, organizations must prioritize psychological safety, leverage in-person interactions for trust-building, and make inclusion their focus, supported by scientific strategies outlined to combat feelings of isolation and exclusion.
Octorber, 2021
What You Should Know About Psychological Safety In The Workplace
Workplace culture profoundly impacts mental well-being, with an emphasis on fostering psychological safety within teams promoting a supportive environment where individuals can thrive without fear of reprisal, ultimately enhancing satisfaction and productivity.
February, 2023
A culture of belonging starts with psychological safety
What exactly is psychological safety? It’s a term that’s used a lot but is often misunderstood. In this piece, the author answers the following questions with input from Harvard Business School professor Amy Edmondson, who coined the phrase “team psychological safety”: 1) What is psychological safety? 2) Why is psychological safety important? 3) How has the idea evolved? 4) How do you know if your team has it? 5) How do you create psychological safety? 6) What are common misconceptions?