What is unconscious bias?

Research suggests that, if you have a brain, you carry some degree of bias. It’s not about being a good person or a bad person, it’s about understanding how bias shows up.

Learning how to recognize and interrupt unconscious bias is essential for promoting fairness in the workplace. One of the most prevalent forms of bias is affinity bias, also known as similarity bias. It is the tendency to favor individuals who are similar to ourselves in terms of background, interests, or experiences which can lead to a lack of diversity in hiring, promotions, and decision-making. Recognizing and mitigating affinity bias is important for creating a more inclusive and equitable work environment.

More Articles & Resources

December, 2019

How the Best Bosses Interrupt Bias on Their Teams

While companies invest heavily in antibias training to foster inclusive and innovative workplaces, research indicates that such programs often fall short; as an individual leader, actively encouraging and valuing diverse perspectives within your team can enhance performance and decision-making, bridging the gap where organizational efforts may falter.

June, 2013

Before You Make That Big Decision

This assessment will help leaders to understand vet proposals and understand the quality of their decisions.

September, 2023

In a World Without Affirmative Action, Technology Will Be Key to Ensuring Equitable
Outcomes for All

In any recruiting process, a myriad of factors determine a candidate’s potential—too many for any one recruiter to consider without the use of technology.

From allyship to executive coaching, we’ll customize what we teach to fit your business

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